d7d9e21509Evaluated set unixprog_dict [list batcat unrar echo telnet rustc php]
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2023-01-08 16:37:14 -08:00
950b84d78aEvaluated proc stock3 symbol {set __results [stock_yahoo_v10 $symbol]; set __columns [list previousClose open bid ask marketCap fiftyTwoWeekHigh fiftyTwoWeekLow];set __info "[list [list ticker $symbol]]"; map $__columns {c {catch {lappend __info "$c [dict get $__results $c]"}}};fuckingcolumns $__info}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2023-01-08 16:18:14 -08:00
1662da42d4Evaluated set color_names [list white black blue green {light red} brown purple orange yellow {light green} cyan {light cyan} {light blue} ping grey {light grey}]
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2023-01-07 19:12:33 -08:00
27b173bfa6Evaluated unset color_names
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2023-01-07 19:10:13 -08:00
fb58b25748Evaluated array set color_names {red 4}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2023-01-07 19:10:02 -08:00
4f080ff70aEvaluated unset color_names
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2023-01-07 19:09:39 -08:00
53b6a18d01Evaluated proc color args {if ![llength $args] {return };if {[lindex $args 0] eq "default"} {return };set ret \x03[color_of [lindex $args 0]]; if {[llength $args] > 1} {if {[lindex $args 1] eq "on"} {append ret ,[color_of [lindex $args 2]]} {append ret ,[color_of [lindex $args 1]]}}; return $ret}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2023-01-07 19:08:19 -08:00
266f73302dEvaluated proc color args {if ![llength $args] {return };if {[lindex $args 0] eq "default"} {return };set ret \x[color_of [lindex $args 0]]; if {[llength $args] > 1} {if {[lindex $args 1] eq "on"} {append ret ,[color_of [lindex $args 2]]} {append ret ,[color_of [lindex $args 1]]}}; return $ret}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2023-01-07 19:08:01 -08:00
2d31debfa0Evaluated proc color args {if ![llength $args] {return };if {[lindex $args 0] eq "default"} {return };set ret [color_of [lindex $args 0]]; if {[llength $args] > 1} {if {[lindex $args 1] eq "on"} {append ret \x03,[color_of [lindex $args 2]]} {append ret \x03,[color_of [lindex $args 1]]}}; return $ret}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2023-01-07 19:07:02 -08:00
933de77c3dEvaluated proc color args {if ![llength $args] {return };if {[lindex $args 0] eq "default"} {return };set ret [color_of [lindex $args 0]]; if {[llength $args] > 1} {if {[lindex $args 1] eq "on"} {append ret ,[color_of [lindex $args 2]]} {append ret \x03,[color_of [lindex $args 1]]}}; return $ret}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2023-01-07 19:06:34 -08:00
9d35cd48a6Evaluated set color_names {{red 04}}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2023-01-07 18:57:40 -08:00
22bafc97f9Evaluated set roulette_n_chambers 6
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2023-01-07 18:54:31 -08:00
e3a78e7b19Evaluated set roulette_current_chamber 0
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2023-01-07 18:54:22 -08:00
fed02db826Evaluated proc stock3 symbol {set __results [stock_yahoo_v10 $symbol]; set __columns [list previousClose open bid ask marketCap fiftyTwoWeekHigh fiftyTwoWeekLow];set __info "[list [list ticker $symbol]]"; map $__columns {c {lappend __info "$c [dict get $__results $c]"}};fuckingcolumns $__info}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2023-01-07 18:52:22 -08:00
d6451bc21bEvaluated proc stock3 symbol {set __results [stock_yahoo_v10 $symbol]; set __columns [list previousClose open bid ask];set __info "[list [list ticker $symbol]]"; map $__columns {c {lappend __info "$c [dict get $__results $c]"}};fuckingcolumns $__info}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2023-01-07 18:49:24 -08:00
c2ad291391Evaluated set symbol "TSLA"; set __columns [list previousClose open bid ask];set __info "[list ticker $symbol]"; lappend __info [map $__columns {c {. "$c [dict get $::__TSLA $c]"}}];return $__info
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2023-01-07 18:44:32 -08:00
df42a90211Evaluated set __columns [list previousClose open bid ask];map $__columns {c {dict get $::__TSLA $c}}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2023-01-07 18:40:36 -08:00
b23769ec6dEvaluated proc et args {subst [string map {* {[gay]*}} [strip_all [bgbt $args]]]}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2023-01-07 18:24:27 -08:00
ec6474cb92Evaluated proc gaybowchar c {set c [string toupper $c]; if ![info exists ::alphabet($c)] {return [join [string repeat "{ } " 5] \n]}; set ret [list]; foreach line [split [decode $::alphabet($c)] \n] {set g [gay]; lappend ret [regsub -all {\*($|\n| )} [regsub -all {(^|\n| )\*} $line "\\1$g*"] "*\\1"]}; join $ret \n}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2023-01-07 18:23:31 -08:00
3b23ba283eEvaluated proc gaybowchar c {set c [string toupper $c]; if ![info exists ::alphabet($c)] {return [join [string repeat "{ } " 5] \n]}; set ret [list]; foreach line [split [decode $::alphabet($c)] \n] {set g [gay]; lappend ret [regsub -all {\*($|\n| )} [regsub -all {(^|\n| )\*} $line "\\1$g,*"] "\\1"]}; join $ret \n}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2023-01-07 18:23:11 -08:00
29e839b4d7Evaluated rename strip_all_old strip_color
a on #flashsupport
2023-01-07 18:21:55 -08:00
c99dff299dEvaluated proc strip_all str {regsub -all {[\x0f\x02\x1f\]\[]} [strip_color $str] ""}
a on #flashsupport
2023-01-07 18:21:25 -08:00
07bcfed102Evaluated rename strip_color strip_all_old
a on #flashsupport
2023-01-07 18:20:59 -08:00
750b961ac6Evaluated proc gaybowchar c {set c [string toupper $c]; if ![info exists ::alphabet($c)] {return [join [string repeat "{ } " 5] \n]}; set ret [list]; foreach line [split [decode $::alphabet($c)] \n] {set g [gay]; lappend ret [regsub -all {\*($|\n| )} [regsub -all {(^|\n| )\*} $line "\\1$g,$g*"] "*\\1"]}; join $ret \n}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2023-01-07 18:20:19 -08:00
e476f330d0Evaluated proc gaybowchar c {set c [string toupper $c]; if ![info exists ::alphabet($c)] {return [join [string repeat "{ } " 5] \n]}; set ret [list]; foreach line [split [decode $::alphabet($c)] \n] {set g [gay]; lappend ret [regsub -all {\*($|\n| )} [regsub -all {(^|\n| )*} $line "\\1$g,$g\*"] "*\\1"]}; join $ret \n}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2023-01-07 18:17:28 -08:00
2e289589a1Evaluated proc gaybowchar c {set c [string toupper $c]; if ![info exists ::alphabet($c)] {return [join [string repeat "{ } " 5] \n]}; set ret [list]; foreach line [split [decode $::alphabet($c)] \n] {set g [gay]; lappend ret [regsub -all {\*($|\n| )} [regsub -all {(^|\n| )*} $line "\\1$g,$g*"] "*\\1"]}; join $ret \n}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2023-01-07 18:17:10 -08:00
00121ff96eEvaluated set pedo_dict {Greta Thumberg}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2023-01-07 18:06:46 -08:00
bca39b70c7Evaluated set ::hard_book [list "Gravity's Rainbow" "Ulysses" "À la recherche du temps perdu" "The Voynich Manuscript" "Finnegans Wake" "The printout of the human genome project" "The Wycliffe Bible" "The Sorrows of Young Werther" "The Rohonc Codex" "War and Peace" "Swann's Way" "The Sound and the Fury" "The Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus"]
Alex_Fridman`s_High_School_Reading_List on #flashsupport
2023-01-04 09:58:47 -08:00
d0b4bd4b90Evaluated set ::easy_book [list "The Little Engine That Could" "The Giver" "Three little pigs" "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day" "Green Eggs and Ham" "Charlotte's Web" "The Giving Tree" "The Snowy Day" "Jet Magazine" "Where's Waldo?" "Goodnight Moon" "The Velveteen Rabbit"]
Alex_Fridman`s_High_School_Reading_List on #flashsupport
2023-01-04 09:54:55 -08:00
3d13d6cc5cEvaluated proc WORDOFGOD {{when "8 hours ago"}} {set ret ""; foreach {a b c d e} [split [n_r_r [clock scan $when]] {}] {lappend ret [lindex $::english_words [expr [scan "$a$b$c$d$e" %x] % [llength $::english_words]]]}; return $ret}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2022-12-27 15:18:01 -08:00
9f37e44428Evaluated proc WORDOFGOD {{when "8 hours ago"}} {set ret "";foreach {a b c d e} [split [n_r_r [clock scan "8 hours ago"]] {}] {lappend ret [lindex $::english_words [expr [scan "$a$b$c$d$e$f" %x] % [llength $::english_words]]]}; return $ret}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2022-12-27 15:17:29 -08:00
9425a8195bEvaluated proc WORDOFGOD {{when "8 hours ago"}} {set ret "";foreach {a b c d e} [split [n_r_r [clock scan "8 hours ago"]] {}] {lappend ret [lindex $english_words [expr [scan "$a$b$c$d$e$f" %x] % [llength $english_words]]]}; return $ret}
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2022-12-27 15:16:32 -08:00
2abcf057e6Evaluated set ret "";foreach {a b c d e f} [split [n_r_r [clock scan "8 hours ago"]] {}] {lappend ret [scan "$a$b$c$d$e$f" %x]}; return $ret
radical_honesty on #flashsupport
2022-12-27 15:13:24 -08:00