Evaluated set ::easy_book [list "The Little Engine That Could" "The Giver" "Three little pigs" "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day" "Green Eggs and Ham" "Charlotte's Web" "The Giving Tree" "The Snowy Day" "Jet Magazine" "Where's Waldo?" "Goodnight Moon" "The Velveteen Rabbit"]

This commit is contained in:
Alex_Fridman`s_High_School_Reading_List on #flashsupport 2023-01-04 09:54:55 -08:00 committed by dupa dup
parent 8ba91531cd
commit d0b4bd4b90
2 changed files with 2 additions and 0 deletions

@ -0,0 +1 @@
scalar {{The Little Engine That Could} {The Giver} {Three little pigs} {Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day} {Green Eggs and Ham} {Charlotte's Web} {The Giving Tree} {The Snowy Day} {Jet Magazine} {Where's Waldo?} {Goodnight Moon} {The Velveteen Rabbit}}

@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ cipherfor{y*\]} d3f0b6feb031cc3845fa7379074eb1292636698d
cipherfor{z*\]} 7aca1cdfdb94b6cf3e0147865665b1b1ad944e3a
d 3c363836cf4e16666669a25da280a1865c2d2874
e 58e6b3a414a1e090dfc6029add0f3555ccba127f
easy_book 2c3e37e8154c7bf1b31e4efb3650f54da4dc0799
err eb35c321d6997c344882962b8aa1cd0939b123e1
evil_code 85cd381ac701889046fb523d6baa3e3b56115d8b
f 4a0a19218e082a343a1b17e5333409af9d98f0f5