{s n} { set debug [list]; set c [csplit $s] if {$n > [expr [llength [lindex $c 0]]-1]} {set n [expr [llength [lindex $c 0]]-1]} set b 0 set u 0 set cf -1 set cb -1 set r [lindex $c 0] foreach f [lindex $c 1] { lappend debug "working on $f"; if {[lindex $f 0] > $n} { lappend debug "reached end of string" if {$b eq 1} {append r "\002"; lappend debug "ending bold";} if {$u eq 1} {append r "\037"; lappend debug "ending underline"} if {$cf > -1} {append r [format "%s" $cf]; lappend debug "adding foreground colour at end of string"} if {$cb > -1} {append r [format ",%s" $cb]; lappend debug "adding background colour at end of string"} lappend debug "final result: $r"; return [join $debug "\n"] } if {[lindex $f 1] eq "\002"} {set b [expr $b ^ 1]; lappend debug "found bold character"} if {[lindex $f 1] eq "\037"} {set u [expr $u ^ 1]; lappend debug "found underline"} if {[lindex $f 1] eq "\003"} {set cf -1;set cb -1; lappend debug "found color, setting cf to -1, cb to -1"} if {[lindex $f 1] eq "\017"} {set cf -1;set cb -1;set b 0;set u 0; lappend debug "found format reset, setting cb and cf to -1 for some reason"} if {[lindex $f 1] eq "\026"} {set t $cb;set cb $cf;set cf $t; lappend debug "found reverse kulerz character, reversing them weirdly"} if {[set m [regexp -inline {([\d]+)$} [lindex $f 1]]] ne ""} {set cf [lindex $m 1]; lappend debug "found a really interesting number, setting cf to $cf"} if {[set m [regexp -inline {([\d]+),([\d]+)} [lindex $f 1]]] ne ""} {set cf [lindex $m 1];set cb [lindex $m 2]; lappend debug "found even more numbers, setting cf to $cf and cb to $cb"} } if {$b eq 1} {append r "\002"; lappend debug "starting bold"} if {$u eq 1} {append r "\037"; lappend debug "starting underline"} if {$cf > -1} {append r [format "%s" $cf]; lappend debug "starting color"} if {$cb > -1} {append r [format ",%s" $cb]; lappend debug "adding background color"} lappend debug "final result: $r" return [join $debug "\n"] }