Evaluated proc settuB args {. I asked serious question. I will interpret any efforts of derailing it as a sign that _you_ are the man of the "system", thank you for understanding. Now, have you read [choose {Turner Diaries}]}

This commit is contained in:
General_Quadrangle on #flashsupport 2022-12-23 17:38:17 -08:00 committed by dupa dup
parent 5c00263489
commit a23b4be4a8

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@ -1 +1 @@
args {. I asked serious question. I will interpret any efforts of derailing it as a sign that _you_ are the man of the "system", thank you for understanding. Now, have you read [choose {Turner Diaries}}
args {. I asked serious question. I will interpret any efforts of derailing it as a sign that _you_ are the man of the "system", thank you for understanding. Now, have you read [choose {Turner Diaries}]}